1. 你有 E-commerce Website 吗?
2. 你有 Facebook Pixel installed 吗?
3. 你的 Facebook Campaign 的 Objective 有设置 Conversion 吗?
我建议你现在打开你的 Ads Manager,去你设置 Conversion Event 的 Ad set 查看一下
我分享一些我解决后的心得 👇🏻
第一步:Business Manager 注册
我相信大家都会注册 Business Manager,
去 Google Search “Facebook business manager” 就可以了
所以这里我就省略一点点 💖
✍️ 备注:
E-commerce 的 Facebook Pixel 必须要是 Business Manager 的 Pixel,Personal Ad Account 的 Facebook Pixel 没办法做到下一步骤(Domain Verification)
第二步:Domain verification
进入你的 Business Settings 后,
选择: Brand Safety ➡️ Domains ➡️ Add
输入你的 Domain (eg: lailearns.com),然后点击 【Add Domain】
Domain verification must be done at the effective top level domain plus one (eTLD+1). For example, if your website URL is www.jasperplatform.com/shop123 your eTLD+1 is jasperplatform.com.
Domain verification must be done for the effective top level domain plus one (eTLD+1). For example, for www.books.jasper.co.uk, books.jasper.co.uk and jasper.co.uk the eTLD+1 domain is jasper.co.uk.
Domain verification should be prioritized for domains with pixels used by multiple businesses or personal ad accounts. This will enable you to configure pixel conversion events when Aggregated Event Measurement becomes available.
Sources: Facebook | Facebook Business Help Center
之后你会有三个 Verification 的方式,
- DNS Verification
- HTML File Upload
- Meta-Tag verification
联系你的 Website Developer,他/她 肯定会的 😎
好了之后点击 【Verify】就可以了
第三步:Aggregated Event Measurement 的设置
选择: Business Tools ➡️ Event Manager
选择 “Aggregated Event Measurement” (如下图显示)➡️ 点击 “Configure Web Events”
选择 你的 Domain 然后 ➡️ 点击 “Edit Events”
✍️ 备注:
这里最多选择 8 个 Events,并且要依序(最重要的 Event 排第一)排列。
没有什么固定的顺序,但是如果是”Purchase” 爱好者(Conversion Event 放 Purchase)的话,Highest priority 一定要放 “Purchase” !
原因?看下面 👇🏻
Aggregated Event Measurement limits domains to 8 website conversion events at most. SKAdNetwork limits apps to 63 individual or bundled app conversion events at most. You can arrange your events from highest to lowest priority. When Aggregated Event Measurement or SKAdNetwork apply, only the highest priority event will be sent whenever a customer takes multiple actions during a conversion window. For example, if someone adds an item to their cart and makes a purchase in one session, only the higher prioritized event will be reported. As a result, all other events may report numbers that are lower than expected, even if they are part of the 8. These events may still be happening, but they might not reflect in reporting. You should choose the events that provide the most value to your business.
Sources: Facebook Help Center
如何排列就取决于 Marketing 的 Strategies 了,
我分享一些排列的思路:(从 Lowest Priority ➡️ Highest Priority )
例子:View Content ➡️ Add to Cart ➡️ Add Payment Info ➡️ Initiate Checkout ➡️ Purchase
怎样排列并没有一个特定的标准,完全取决于你(Marketing Manager?),设定 Campaign 的思路
我个人的设置方式比较奇葩,所以就不分享出来混淆大家了 😉
IOS 14 造成的影响:
Custom Audiences 会减少
As more people opt out of tracking on iOS 14 devices, the size of your app connections, app activity Custom Audiences, and website Custom Audiences may decrease.
Sources: Facebook Business Help Center
常常使用 Custom Audiences 的人会想哭
来,大家跟我一起哭 🤗
Reporting 的更动
Delayed reporting: 没有 Real-time reporting, data may be delayed up to 3 days.
No support for breakdowns: For both app and web conversions, delivery and action breakdowns, such as age, gender, region, and placement will not be supported.
Changes to account attribution window settings: Once Apple enforces their iOS 14 requirements the attribution window for all new or active ad campaigns will be set at the ad set level, rather than at the account level. The new ad set attribution setting can be accessed during campaign creation. This ad set level attribution setting ensures that the conversions measured are the same ones used to inform campaign optimization, and will allow for increased flexibility and clarity when analyzing ad performance. Additionally, the default for all new or active ad campaigns (other than iOS 14 app install campaigns) will be set at a 7-day click attribution window. iOS 14 app install campaigns will report based on the attribution window provided by Apple’s SKAdNetwork API.
完整资料点击这里: Facebook Business Help Center
IOS 14 的用户,你使用免费的服务,又不给 Tracking …
链接(一):Key Concepts for iOS 14 Impacts to Facebook Business Tools
链接(二):How Apple’s iOS 14 Release May Affect Your Ads
链接(三):About Event Priority